Global CSUp Assessment Batch 1

Full Name *

1. A customer walks into the office and asks for the deadline to file a permit application. You do not know the answer. It would be best for you to do which of the following? *

2. A person approaches you and tells you of many complaints he has about your department. You should first: *

3. Assume that you are taking a telephone message for a co-worker who is not in the office at the time. Of the following, the LEAST important item to write on the message is the *

4. A customer has come into your office and submitted an application. When you give her some more forms to complete, she complains about all the bureaucratic red tape that is slowing down approval of her application. In which of the following ways should you respond to the customer? *

5. You have been training a new employee who is not directly under your supervision. She has not appeared to be particularly competent during the month she has been in her position. You are explaining application procedures to a client when the new employee interrupts to ask you a question. You tell her you are busy with a client and will come to her office when you are through. In a low voice, she begins to call you names and say bad things about the department. There are several clients in the office in addition to the one you are working with. The supervisor doesn't appear to be around. What should you do? *

6. You overhear your boss giving a client the name of a person to contact for some information. You know this person is no longer the one to reach for this information. The client is still in the office. What, if anything, should you do? *

7. You're helping a computer illiterate friend setup his internet connection over the phone. He is just not getting what you are trying to explain. How much time do you spend explaining it to him? *

8. A person is telling you a story, but taking forever to get to the point. What do you do? *

9. Your friend/co-worker starts to get on your nerves. What would be your most likely response? *

10. When having a disagreement, I typically: *

11. When conversing with clients who have a less extensive vocabulary (e.g. lower education level): *

12. When conversing with a person who takes forever to get to the point: *

13. When it comes to resolving conflicts: *

14. When it comes to conflict: *

15. You are asked to push a particular viewpoint with a client. The request makes perfect business sense but you happen to not believe in the particular notion you are to advocate. How do you deal with the situation? *

16. A customer called in, demanding to speak to a supervisor right off the bat. What should you do? *

17. A customer stormed in the store, complaining about the fact that it was raining outside and she had a flat tire and that she better get the documents she needs as soon as possible. Finding out that the documents will be ready after an hour, what do you do? *

18. If a customer barges into your store asking you for something you know you can not and not allowed to do. What do you tell your customer? *

19. A customer calls in and says that she has called in yesterday and one of your colleagues told her something about a product your company sells that she bought and she is complaining that she was lied to. What should you do? *

20. A customer calls in and discusses the possibility of purchasing one of your products. The voice on the other line is deep and loud. You assumed it was a male customer. By mistake you called the customer, "sir". The customer then corrected you and said that she is not a "sir". What do you do? *

21. It is the act of confirming, acquiescing, or yielding.


22. It is the kind, grade, or make of a product or service, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or a mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc.


23. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


24. It is the support you offer your customers - both before and after they buy and use your products or services.


25. It is a road map to how calls will be handled from the moment they enter the phone system to the end of the call.


1. What is multi-tasking, and what are the benefits of multi-tasking? (5 pts)


2. What is customer adaptability and why is it so important? (10 pts)


3. Why is customer service a very important life skill? (10 pts)
