
We will ask you some questions if you are an Impact Worker or not.
Impact Workers are individuals being hired into the organization who previously were long term unemployed or living under the national poverty line.
The informations you will share will never be taken against you in any form of discrimination nor will it affect your hiring probability.
We are only recording such information for we, at FTO would like to champion Impact Workers, help them grow and see their journey towards economic improvement.


Impact Workers

People hired into the organization who previously were long term unemployed or living under the national poverty line.

Long-term unemployed
Unemployed persons with continuous periods of unemployment extending for one year or longer despite being available and actively looking for work

Poverty line
The poverty line is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country, and may be determined based on either absolute or relative poverty.
The World Bank The World Bank sets the absolute international poverty line at $1.90 a day (in 2011 PPP $).

Impact Worker Questionnaire

Long-Term Unemployed

1. Are you a long term-unemployed before you apply here at FTO? (Unemployed for at least a year even though constantly and actively looking for a job)
a. If Yes, for how long?


Previously earning below Poverty Line ($1.90 or below 3,042 Php)

2. Do you earn below 3,000 Php on your previous work?
a. If Yes, how much?
b. If Yes, what type of work?
