LeadUp Assessment (April 20-22, 2022)

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  1. What Type of Data is not included under RA No. 10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012?


2. Under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the data subject is entitled to:


3. In the Philippines, processing of Personal Information for Unauthorized Purposes is subject to a penalty of:


4. What is the governing body in charge of the Data Privacy Act in the Philippines?


5. Which of the following is not an action which can be imposed by the Commission under the Data Privacy Act of 2012?


6. This refers to an investigation by the Commission on its own initiative even without a complaint filed, for possible violation by one or more entities of the Data Privacy Act of 2012.


7. This refers to any information recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information.


8. The Data Privacy Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulation can apply to an act done or practice engaged in and outside of the Philippines except:


9. In case the Personal Information Controller, through the Data Protection Officer receives a notification of a data breach, the following are the contents of the Notice except:


10. It is the acronym of a United States federal data privacy law that requires the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.


11. The period of notification required under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 when there is reasonable belief that a personal data breach has occurred must be made:


12. Notification of a data breach is MANDATORY when there are three (3) elements present, except:


13. QLP Inc. conducts a weekly raffle where the employees of the company may win a brand-new car, as this is part of its transportation support policy. To ensure a fair and random process, QLP classifies its employees according to zodiac sign. Hence, every week, the participants are chosen according to their signs. Example, on the first week of the year, all employees with a Capricorn zodiac sign are qualified to be chosen in the weekly raffle. For purposes of organization, a list classifying employee according to zodiac signs is posted on the company’s website, which is also accessible to the public. Is there a violation of the Data Privacy Law?


14. Which of the following scenarios is an example of Improper Disposal of Personal Information under the Data Privacy Act of 2012?


15. Under the 2021 NPC Rules of Procedure, a temporary or permanent ban imposed on the company, on the processing of personal data when enforced may result to:


16. What is the governing body in charge of enforcing Data Privacy Act in Ghana?


17. The following are the Data Privacy General Principles under the Data Privacy Law of Ghana, except:


18. The Data Protection Act provides for sanctions where an individual suffers damage or distress through the contravention by a ___________ of the requirements of the Data Protection Act:


19. It is an acronym of a United States Federal Data Privacy Law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records.


20. The following are the covered entities under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act except:


1. What is the inner equation?


2. What is coaching?


3. What is the coach’s role?


4. What is the best approach in coaching?


5. Other than Action, what else is a great outcome of coaching?


6. What is the most basic form of motivation?


7. Which statement is true?


8. Which statement is true?


9. Which statement is true?


10. Which statement is false?


11. Which statement is false?


12. Which statement is false?


13. We improve performance in coaching by: (Multiple answers)


14. We create awareness in coaching by: (Multiple answers)


15. What are the 3 types of awareness? (Multiple answers)


16. What is the purpose of the option stage? (Multiple answers)


17. How do we set up accountability? (Multiple answers)


18. What does the statement “coaching is a relationship” mean? (Multiple answers)


19. List down all 5 parts of the Chinese Character for “Listening” (2 points)



Micah Gallardo was reported by her manager, Arjay Abela, that she has incurred 2-day NCNS from October 4-5, 2021. When NTE (Notice to Explain) was served to her, she denied the accusations. She explained that an email was sent to Mr. Abela two hours before her shift. Even without the approval, Ms. Gallardo pursue to not attend her work. The Compliance Investigation found that there was no email sent to her manager. 

  1. Assuming that this is the first time Ms. Micah has committed a NCNS violation of the Company Policy. As a Direct Manager, what do you think would be the best way to treat her case?


Micah Gallardo was reported by her manager, Arjay Abela, that she has incurred 2-day NCNS from October 4-5, 2021. When NTE (Notice to Explain) was served to her, she denied the accusations. She explained that an email was sent to Mr. Abela two hours before her shift. Even without the approval, Ms. Gallardo pursue to not attend her work. The Compliance Investigation found that there was no email sent to her manager.

2.In a Supervisor/Manager’s Role, what do you think would be the best way to prevent incidents or absences like this?


Micah Gallardo was reported by her manager, Arjay Abela, that she has incurred 2-day NCNS from October 4-5, 2021. When NTE (Notice to Explain) was served to her, she denied the accusations. She explained that an email was sent to Mr. Abela two hours before her shift. Even without the approval, Ms. Gallardo pursue to not attend her work. The Compliance Investigation found that there was no email sent to her manager. 

3. As a Supervisor/Manager and in a Labor Standpoint if you were to analyze the infractions committed by Micah Gallardo, what are the two violations committed based on the FTO Code of Conduct?


4. Getting the willing cooperation of the employees in voluntarily seeing the discipline code of an organization is the essence of:


5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Hot Stove Rule of Discipline?


A Client Compliant was sent to the manager Mart Cataytay to end Proctor Ana Barbo from the account. Mr. Cataytay did not inform Ms. Barbo about the incident, but he at once sought help to deactivate access. The next day, Ms. Barbo tried to access her RFID but was unable to enter the premises of the building and the production area. She was just informed by her fellow Proctor that she is already separated from the account and should go ahead to the Human Resources Office to process her Clearance. 

6.If you were to apply Good Discipline in the given situation above, as a Supervisor/Manager what do you think is missing in the escalation process? Choose your best answer.


A Client Compliant was sent to the manager Mart Cataytay to end Proctor Ana Barbo from the account. Mr. Cataytay did not inform Ms. Barbo about the incident, but he at once sought help to deactivate access. The next day, Ms. Barbo tried to access her RFID but was unable to enter the premises of the building and the production area. She was just informed by her fellow Proctor that she is already separated from the account and should go ahead to the Human Resources Office to process her Clearance. 

7.Following the Client Compliant, upon receiving the email what do you think is the best way to handle the case? Choose two as the best answer.


8. A manager has the right to hire and fire an employee, based on the text above what should be the expected limitations considered? Kindly choose the best answer based on the given Article of the Limitations.


9. __________ is the lawful way in supplying opportunity in a regulative standpoint.


10. Positive Discipline is _____________.



11-12. What are the two Facets of a Valid Termination?

13-18. Give at least 6 new Agent Bill of Rights (ABOR).

19-20. What are the two documents under the two-notice rule?


1. The process of overseeing and coordinating an organization’s interactions with its clients and potential clients.


2. FTO Client Implementations lived by the principle of?


3. This is a contract between 2 or more parties that establishes what terms and conditions will govern all current and future relationship.


4. Process of welcoming new clients into your business


5. What are the 4 stages of client onboarding?


6. Name 3 types of BPO Industry


7. What Does SLA stands for?


8. Name 4 Successful Client Onboarding effective results


9. What refers to the work that an organization does to coordinate its interactions with clients and potential clients?


10. Name 4 best practices for Client Relationship Management


11. What is the most crucial part of client management?


12. What is the core of operations system for newly onboarded clients and the most integral part of the entire client management process?


13. What does KPI stand for?


14. This refers to a company’s ability to turn customers into repeat buyers and prevent them from switching to a competitor


15. What is the practice of contracting a specific work process or processes to an external service provider?


16. It is a formal document (digital or paper) that describes maintenance work approved for execution (i.e., an approved work request). Multiple answers allowed.


17. This is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations.


18. What defines the level of service expected by a customer from a supplier, laying out the metrics by which that service is measured, and the remedies or penalties, if any, should the agreed-on service levels not be achieved?


19. What is a BPO type that provides services that is built by their own entity?


20. What is the ultimate goal of a successful Client management?


1.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?


2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?


3. Which of the following management and leadership principles is NOT advocated here in FTO?


4. Which of the following statements is a LESS effective way to address STRESS?


5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about money and Stress?


6. George is a hardworking manager. He is really effective in managing the company’s clients and handles employees and operations well. He is empathetic to her colleagues and subordinates and shows care to them. On some occasions, colleagues borrow him money and if he has a few extra, he lends them. One colleague of George though, taking advantage of this attitude, borrowed him several times due to some personal and family emergencies (as stated) but was not able to pay his debts back. Not even once. With this, the amount piled up and George is already stressed out in asking for his money back from this colleague of his.He spoke with his colleague and set a period or time to pay him. He even offered a staggered form of payment. But promises were said yet nothing has been met. What is the best/ideal way to deal with George's situation with his colleague?


7. In the scenario in number 6, which of the following is DOABLE.


8. If you are the manager of George and his colleague, what would be the best way to handle this situation?


9. Personal Development is an essential goal of an effective leader and manager. Which of the following is the best order of tasks towards personal development?


10. Which of the following is NOT an FTO principle in managing conflict.


11. In handling conflicts under intense emotions, like anger, which management principle would be best to have in mind?


12. Which of the following statements is FALSE?


13. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about Personal Development?


14. One great quality of a Leader is being a great Problem Solver. Which of the following is the most critical part of problem solving?


15. Which of the following statements is FALSE about being a great leader?


16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?


17. Which of the following describes Fairtrade Outsourcing (FTO) leaders?


18. Communication is like tendons and ligaments that connect bones for the whole body to work. Which of the following statements is FALSE about communication?


19. Which of the following statements is False?


20. What was the name of Fairtrade Outsourcing when it was originally built?
